Kundalini Practice Practicing Celibacy for 12 Years
Brahmacharya kya hai - What is Celibacy (Video by Vijay Kumar)
Query: Does it make a difference to practice celibacy for 12 years under
hypnosis? (e.g. hypnotise yourself to practice celibacy for 12 years?). Are results more or less guaranteed
after 12 years of this.
Kumar: You very well know the answer to your question that none in the
world can guarantee anything in the field of spirituality. As many human beings... as many spiritual paths
can there be!
Do not belittle the absolute truth. God Almighty would not have made
the journey of Self-Realization nay enlightenment a long one. The total journey is to be completed in a period of
96.4 million earthly years. In the human form also there are about 1.1 million manifestations.
Even as a human being one may be required to live a
total of 12.1 million earthly years before one reaches stage of enlightenment. In the circumstances a guarantee
that by practicing celibacy for a continuous period of 12 years one would reach the level of an enlightened one...
is it possible?
Apart from practicing absolute celibacy that leads one towards full
awakening of Kundalini there are numerous factors in vogue that play a crucial role in one gaining enlightenment
and finally salvation within present life.
I simply do not understand how can we talk of spirituality in terms of
commercial powers... Tantric powers that be! Hypnotism is not an essential ingredient on the path of spirituality.
Yes, self hypnotism as practiced and advocated by Napoleon Hill for establishing a goal of life can definitely be
practiced and exercised upon.
And what is self hypnotism... it practically leads one in affirming
and charting a way of life... by vocally and mentally repeating what we think is best for us. We may or may not
initially agree with the pronouncements but finally at the end of the self hypnotism our subconscious accepts the
The practice of celibacy is not physical alone. The major part of celibacy is to be practiced mentally. We need to
abstain from sexual indulgence not only physically but also mentally. It is the mental part that plays a crucial
role in awakening of Kundalini.
Living a life of purity devoid of any sexuality is what practicing
celibacy is all about. It must be practiced in full conscious state lest someone may take advantage of.
Celibacy revolves around the principle that in whole Cosmos the Karta
doer is only one... the rest all are females. This is a sure shot method of achieving the unachievable.
If we believe in the concept that the real Purusha in whole Cosmos is
God Almighty... then the question of sexual indulgence ceases to exist. It is a process of query within that leads
to total abstinence.
The chanting of mantras plays a crucial role in practicing absolute celibacy for a continuous minimum period of 12
Intake of vegetarian diet is a matter of contemplation. For one living
in Tundra region... intake of non vegetarian meals is normal. But for one living in a civilized society where one
can manage without non vegetarian meals... it is desirable that we avoid eating meals that may lead to our
incurring a sin.
If we kill a bird totally for our meal... it does not lead to
incurring sin. But if we kill for pleasure... we do incur sin.
Consumption of vegetarian meals leads one towards purity of thought.
Why not all of us indulge in consuming vegetarian meals all the time!
The final goal of life... awakening of Kundalini and gaining enlightenment and finally salvation is not a matter of
contemplation. It is simply a matter of patience and persistence practiced in daily life.
Absolute celibacy leads towards awakening of Kundalini. And moment our
Kundalini is fully awakened we reach the stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Thereafter it is the stage of one-to-one
dialogue with God Almighty... the stage of permanent communion with God forever.
Proceed on the path of absolute celibacy with full faith in God Almighty. You shall one day be
successful in your attempt. Everything that is done the Nishakama karma way of life is accomplished easily.
Waiting for the fruits of our karma does not lead one directly towards the final goal.
You aspire for results... why? In the journey of life particularly the spiritual path...
everything is required to be done the Nishakama karma way of life. That is what has been prescribed in
Bhagavad Gita... the doctrine put forward by Lord Krishna in Mahabharata.
Put all your faith in God Almighty and without any deter proceed on the journey of life. You
shall be successful one day. Never look back for we never gain anything out of it!
May God bless you in your attempt in practicing absolute celibacy perfectly!
A to Z of Kundalini Practice explained in words one can easily understand and fathom.
For more on practicing celibacy for 12 years visit : http://www.vijaykumar.com/Steps-to-Celibacy/... Vijay Kumar - 5th June 2010.
Full text of query: Just wanted to ask one more question about celebacy. Does it make a
difference to practice celibacy for 12 years under hypnosis? (e.g. hypnotise yourself to practice celibacy
for 12 years?) and are results more or less guaranteed after 12 years of this. Is it necesary to become
vegetarian too?