Query: I'm just curiuos to know whether Spiritual masters can transfer the Karma
of their devotees or followers and suffer for them.
Kumar: Yes! It is possible. The case of Ramakrishna Paramhansa is world
famous ... he developed throat cancer in the later stages of his life ... the throat cancer actually belonged
to one of his trusted followers. Such cases are rare. Every master does not perform such a feat unless
circumstances compel him owing to deep compassion towards one.
The masters who take the disease unto self never suffer ... they are much ahead of their physical
body. Only those masters who have realized Self accomplish such a feat. They have no next life ... they know they
cannot suffer further.
Every realized soul including Jesus Christ do not die... they have
already completed the cycle of birth and death. Having reached the last manifestation (8.4 millionth life)
they have no further to go. All is over for them.
Saint vallalar may not have Realized God ... in the last above 150 years
only two persons have Realized God ... Ramakrishna
Paramhansa and Mahirshi Ramana. No God Realized soul can ever change his form ... this is just not
possible. People believe in miracles ... in the field of the Spirituality miracles do not happen ... only
sometimes due to the grace of God if an accomplished master touches a dying person and he happens to get all
right we term it as a miracle.
Always there to clarify your queries (send your query),
Essay by:
Vijay Kumar "Atma Jnani" ... The Man who Realized God in 1993!
A to Z of Spiritual Masters Can Transfer the Karma explained in words one can easily understand and fathom.
For more on spiritual masters can transfer the karma visit : http://www.vijaykumar.com/Karma-Yoga/
... Vijay Kumar |
Full text of query: I'm just curiuos to know whether Spiritual masters can transfer the Karma
of their devotees or followers and suffer for them. Is it not that it's essential that we undergo "payback"
for our action which will assist us in our evolution towards perfection or pure Atman? Did Jesus really died
for the sins of his followers? If this is true, why didn't excellence masters like saint vallalar who manage
to convert his physical body into body of light through the practise of full compassion didn't go through the
same ordeal?
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