vijay kumar

Sinners and Saints Definition Meaning

Query: Sinners and saints: I heard that people sin atleast once every that true?

Vijay Kumar:
What you have heard is wrong! We perform sin every second of our life. We also perform pious deeds every second of our life. As we proceed in life... we either perform a negative or a positive act. Our negative acts makes us suffer... the positive bring us happiness. Sufferings and happiness are a making of our own. As we think... so shall we get!

It is the thinking that finally precipitates into an act. If we think negative thoughts then our act would definitely bring us sufferings. If we perform pious deeds we can look forward to happiness all the time.

Always there to clarify your queries (send your query),

Essay by: Vijay Kumar "Atma Jnani" ... The Man who Realized God in 1993!

A to Z of Sinners and Saints explained in words one can easily understand and fathom. For more on sinners and saints definition visit :  ... Vijay Kumar - 5th June 2010.

Full text of query: Iheard that people sin atleast oncce every that trrue?

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